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SO, UM...




Maybe you were filled in by a friend, heard a celebrity interview or were referred by your doctor. Whatever the avenue that peaked your curiosity in Reiki-- welcome! We can probably take a guess as to what you're thinking, "So, there's this all-knowing, magical healing power some stranger is going to zap me with that will help heal my [insert physical/emotional ailment here] and make me sublimely happy? Riiight..." While, of course, it isn't that cut and dry, this hypothetical explanation really isn't too far off the Reiki path. It's like the popular tagline in a recent Bud Light commercial, "It's not weird if it works!" (Yup. We really just compared Reiki to a Bud Light commercial...) Hang in there with us for a moment while we go a little more in depth. 


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes well being in all facets of life. In practice, Reiki is the gentle laying on of hands with a pure intention of healing, love and wellness. For those who experience it, Reiki is warm, relaxing, peaceful and beautifully transformative. It is a gentle, yet powerful energy that treats the person as a whole-- mind, body, & spirit. As with most delicious things in life, the best way to understand Reiki is to experience it!


One of the most beautiful aspects of Reiki (and any other energy work) is that it's always beneficial, never ever harmful. You may schedule an appointment with hopes to ease a physical imbalance and find that your emotional or spiritual path gain momentum as well. Reiki may surprise you! It's life changing and best of all, FUN!


If you're reading these words, you're already connecting with this joyful life force energy. Enjoy!




The Problem



In addition to restorative and therapeutic effects, Reiki helps with specific issues such as: 


- Headaches


- Depression/Anxiety


- Grieving


- Addiction


- Fertility issues


- Insomnia


- Chronic pain


- Disease


- Difficulty 'letting go'

The Solution



Here is a short list of examples of the unlimited and multi-dimensional benefits of Reiki: 


- Stress relief (Do I even need to mention the effect stress can have on your body and mind?)


- Clearing negativity (This is not limited to your physical body. Reiki can clear an object, space, or event of negative energy.)


- Recovery from illness/surgery


-  Releasing past emotional traumas, old triggers and patterns


- Major life transitions


- Connecting with your higher-self/source


- An overall sense of happiness and wellbeing

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